Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Goal Check-in

Livermore-Amador Genealogical Society reminded me that I need to update my goals...  Thanks for the reminder.  I hadn't looked at them since JUNE.

1. Write up what I know of John Shelton.- Not done yet. 
2. Write up what I know about Laura Wilkinson.- Check.
3. Write up what I know about William Mason Conner.- Still working on it.
4. Fill in some blanks about Thomas Conner.- Still working on it.
5. Write the Mariani history as I know it.- Still working on it.
6. Source all of the above.- I’m sourcing as I go.  Easier that way.
7. Begin a family newsletter for descendents of William Mason Conner.- Began a Facebook page and designed the format of the newsletter, but I won’t do the first newsletter until the book is done. (see #3 and #10)
8. Find descendents of William Mason Conner.- found some on Facebook and sent emails on others.  Next is regular mail.
9. Teach a home school class on family history for young children.- Begins next month.
10. Toss all of the above to 2012's list when I find something really exciting on some other line that wasn't on The List.- Check!  500 pictures and as many stories from Grampa have made me drop everything to write, "The Duke of Mixager and His Naked Turkeys.  The Stories of an American Family".

1 comment:

  1. You go! Busy girl! I love #10 as I seem to do that a lot with my list!
