Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Facebook and Formats

Because I've a few family members on Facebook, I've decided to try it out for sharing genealogy.  I decided to start with my William Mason Conner and share, wall post by wall post, everything I know about him on a PAGE.  I think it's going to also turn into a book, formatted the same way, as I'm liking it.  I share the DATA with a short snippet of what it does mean, or could mean.  Done simply, it could actually catch the eyes of non-genealogists.  We shall see.  So far, only one of my cousins is "liking" it.  But it's new.

I'm also trying to finish up the writing on the Mariani Family.  I was having trouble with the outline until I remembered that I'm an Excel Junkie.  I gave each person their own worksheet and plotted everything I know about them and where I know it from.  Then I pushed the SORT button and now I just write away.  I finished a chapter yesterday and hope to have the next one done this week.

I <3 Facebook and Excel.  Not necessarily in that order.

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