Saturday, January 1, 2011

52 Weeks of Personal Genealogy and History

I'm participating in a GeneaBlogger's weekly event where we start writing our OWN history and genealogy. We focus so much time on our deceased that we forget that someday we will be in those shoes, so what do we want the future US'es to know about us, besides our "b.m.d.".

This week's question is about New Year's and New Year’s traditions. How was the New Year celebrated during mychildhood? Have I kept these traditions in the present day?

Our family was never one for going our and doing anything on New Year's Eve. We traditionally stayed in and watched Dick Clark's New Year's Eve Special with the ball dropping. We'd say, "Happy New Year!" and shuffle off to bed.

I'm happy to say that I've mostly kept up this tradition. "Mostly" meaning that there have been many years in the past 10 where I didn't even manage to stay awake until midnight...

Last night, the kids stayed up until midnight and I konked out at 11:00. They woke me at 11:45 to get me ready for the ball dropping. Then I dropped.

A Geek Girl Does Genealogy reminded me of a particular NYE when my parents took me to a party with them. My mom wore a long blue dress (the first time I'd ever seen her in a dress!). Besides Mom's dress, all else I really remember was my dad wearing a true 1970s shirt and dancing the night away.

1 comment:

  1. Every year, it gets harder and harder to keep the eyes open until the clock strikes 12!
